Efficient analysis with ROOT: Setup

What do I need to participate in this lesson?

You need very little to participate in this lesson! At a bare minimum, you require a working internet connection, a CERN account, an SSH connection to lxplus.cern.ch and about 2 hours of time.

But if you feel confident enough, you can also run the lesson on your own system! You will find further information in the section about installing ROOT.

Some reminders follow about ssh, X forwarding and scp. Also note that we always assume that you use the bash shell!

Connect to LXPLUS with X forwarding

Probably you want to see the output of graphical applications that run on LXPLUS. To do so, pass the -Y flag to ssh. However, you need a rather fast internet connection to make this work smoothly. Of course, you have to be on a machine with a running X server!

ssh -Y your_username@lxplus.cern.ch

Copy files with scp

With a slow internet connection it may be better to just copy a file to your local machine and inspect it there, which can be done easily with scp.

scp your_username@lxplus.cern.ch:/path/to/file/on/lxplus /path/to/file/on/your/machine