This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

CMSDAS CERN 2020: B2G Long Exercise: b*->tW All-Hadronic

Welcome to the webpage for the B2G b*->tW All-Hadronic long exercise!


To make the best out of your time performing these execises, you should have completed the following short exercises:


Setup Download files required for the lesson
Day 1 10:00 1. Wednesday DAS Plenary 10-11h
11:10 2. Introduction to All-Hadronic b*->tW and Useful Tools Who are the facilitators and team members?
What is this exercise about, and what should we expect from the next few days?
Why search for heavy resonances?
What is version control and CI/CD?
12:00 Finish
Day 2 10:00 3. Friday DAS Plenary 10-11h
10:30 4. Diving into jet substructure What is jet substructure?
What does the jet substructure look like for the signal?
What are some commonly used jet substructure observables for t/W identification?
How can jet substructure help combat background and differentiate it from signal?
11:30 5. Investigating the signal topology What is the signal we are trying to select for?
What observables should be investigated for our final state?
What do kinematics in the signal look like?
How do observables change as a function of resonance mass?
Is there an observable that directly probes the signal?
12:00 6. Friday Lunch 12-13h
13:00 7. Developing a pre-selection What is the purpose of a preselection?
What loose cuts could you apply that follow the signal topology?
What are background processes that could enter this selection?
How do I normalise background processes?
14:00 Finish
Day 3 10:00 8. Monday DAS Plenary 10-11h
10:30 9. Optimising the analysis What aspects of our analysis do we want to optimize?
How can we quantify selections to help decide SR/CR definitons.
Do some variables affect signal and BG differently/similarly?
Are there any correlated varibles?
What final selections are going to be applied to the analysis
12:00 10. Monday Lunch 12-13h
13:00 11. Controlling the background What is the background to the search?
How can we model the background processes affecting our measurement?
Do we have common resources to estimate the background?
How can we test our background modeling technique?
How and why should we enrich a particular background process when defining control regions?
14:00 12. Background Estimation: 2DAlphabet How are we going to estimate the background?
What is 2DAlphabet?
15:00 Finish
Day 4 10:00 13. Tuesday DAS Plenary 10-11h
11:00 14. Modelling the background and signal with 2DAlphabet (a wrapper for Combine) How do I use the 2DAlphabet package to model the background?
12:10 15. Tuesday Lunch 12-13h
13:10 16. Obtaining upper cross section limits How do we use the 2DAlphabet package to set limits?
Once I unblind, did we find new physics? If not, what can we say?
14:10 17. Bonus: Calibrating a jet subtructure tagger. How can I validate a jet substructure tagger in data?
What can be done if a tagger (object-selection technique) performs differently in data vs simulation?
15:10 Finish
Day 5 10:00 18. DAS Presentations
15:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.