This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Modelling the background and signal with 2DAlphabet (a wrapper for Combine)


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 40 min
  • How do I use the 2DAlphabet package to model the background?

  • Run the 2DAlphabet package

  • Apply normalisation systematics

  • Apply shape systematics

Introduction to the 2DAlphabet package

2DAlphabet uses .json configuration files. Inside of these the are areas to add uncertainties which are used inside of the combine backend. The 2DAlphabet serves as a nice interface with combine to allow the user to use the 2DAlphabet method without having to create their own custom version of combine.

A look around

The configuration files that you will be using are located in the BstarToTW_CMSDAS2020 repository in this path BstarToTW_CMSDAS2020/configs_2Dalpha/ Take a look inside one of these files, for example: input_dataBsUnblind16.json

The options section contains boolean options, some of which are 2DAlphabet specific and others which map to combine. Of the options the important ones to note are the blindedFit and blindedPlotswhich keep the signal regions blinded and in a normal analysis would keep this option true until they reached the appropriate approval stage.

The process section is basically the same as the process section in combine, but laid out in an easier to read format. Each process refers to a root file containing data or Monte Carlo simulation. A "CODE" of 1 means that the process is the data, a "CODE" of 2 means that the process is a background, and a "CODE" of 0 means that a process is a signal event. The "SYSTEMATICS" list contains the names of the systematic uncertainties for that process. The systematic uncertainties are assigned values in the "SYSTEMATIC" section. The HISTPASS and HISTFAIL refer to the pass or fail bins of a histogram. The “PASS” bin indicates the signal region whereas the “FAIL” bin indicates the multijet control region.

For more details on the sections in the configuration files, see the 2DAlphabet Documentation

Running 2DAlphabet

In order to run the 2DAlphabet package on our json configuration files, we will first make a symbolic link to the configuration files to make things easier.

# start inside the directory containing the BstarToTW_CMSDAS2020 repo
cd CMSSW_11_0_1/src/BstarToTW_CMSDAS2020/
# Now move to the directory containing the 2DAlphabet
cd ../../../CMSSW_10_6_14/src/2DAlphabet
# now create a symlink (symbolic link) to the config file directory
ln -s ../../../CMSSW_11_0_1/src/BstarToTW_CMSDAS2020/configs_2Dalpha/ configs_2Dalpha

Now run one of the configuration files.

# now run one of the files 
python configs_2Dalpha/input_dataBsUnblind16.json --tag=bsTest

This will create some output plots and combine cards. The output is stored in bsTest/SR16/.


If running with the configuration files for all three years, you can append --fullRun2 and that will add together the 2016, 2017, and 2018 results for the signal region and ttbar measurement region separately so that there are fewer plots to view.


There are two types of systematic uncertainties that can be added to combine: normalisation uncertainties and shape uncertainties. Since this is a simplified analysis, we consider two normalisation uncertainties (luminosity and cross section) and one shape uncertainty (Top pT re-weighting) with one optional bonus exercise.

Where to add the uncertainties

Let’s take a look at adding uncertainties in the .json files. The systematic uncertainties are defined in the SYSTEMATIC section:

    "HELP": "All systematics should be configured here. The info for them will be pulled for each process that calls each systematic. These are classified by codes 0 (symmetric, lnN), 1 (asymmetric, lnN), 2 (shape and in same file as nominal), 3 (shape and NOT in same file as nominal)",
    "lumi16": {
        "CODE": 0,
        "VAL": 1.025

So in our json file, we can list a systematic and use the "CODE" to describe the type of systematic that will be used in combine. The help message describes the options. Here, lnN refers to log-normal normalisation uncertainty.

As an example take a closer look at the "lumi16" systematic. It is a symmetric uncertainty "VAL": 1.025. In this context, "VAL" refers to effect that the systematic has. In this case 1.025 means that this systematic has a 2.5% uncertainty on the yield.

For the moment, let’s just look at our symmetric uncertainties and later we will look at a shape uncertainty.

Luminosity uncertainties

As we saw in the previous example, the luminosity is a symmetric uncertainty. Each year, the amount of data collected (“luminosity”) is measured. This measurement has some uncertainty which means the uncertainty changes for each year and is uncorrelated between the years.

Discuss (5 min)

Should each Monte Carlo sample have a different luminosity uncertainty?


Monte Carlo samples for the same year should all have the same luminosity uncertainty, because the overall luminosity delivered by the detector in that year is a fixed measurement.

Cross section uncertainties

The cross section uncertainty is another symmetric uncertainty added to each Monte Carlo sample.

Discuss (5 min)

Should the signal Monte Carlo sample have a cross section uncertainty?


No. This is because the “cross section” of the signal is exactly what we want to fit for (ie. the parameter of interest/POI/r/mu)! One might ask then why we assign an uncertainty from the luminosity to the signal when the luminosity is just another normalization uncertainty. The answer is that the luminosity uncertainty is fundamentally different from the cross section uncertainties because it is correlated across all of the processes - if it goes up for one, it goes up for all. The cross section uncertainties though are per-process - the ttbar cross section can go up and the single top contribution will remain the same.

With just the luminosity and cross section uncertainties, we only have normalization uncertainties accounted for and there are certainly uncertainties which affect the shapes of distributions (our simulation is not perfect in many ways). These can be accounted for via vertical template interpolation (also called “template morphing”). The high-level explanation is that you can provide an “up” shape and a “down” shape in addition to the “nominal” and the algorithm will map “up” to +1 sigma and “down” to -1 sigma on a Gaussian constraint. The first of these “shape” uncertainties is the Top pT uncertainty.

Top pT uncertainties

The TOP group has recommendations for how to account for consistent but not-understood disagreements in the top pT spectrum between ttbar simulation and ttbar in data (see this twiki for more information). This analysis falls into Case 3.1 from that twiki. The short version of the recommendation is that one should measure the top pT spectrum in a dedicated ttbar control region which is exactly what the ttbar measurement region of the analysis is for.

For this analysis the top jet mass window is 105-220 GeV which constrains the ttbar background but does not leave a lot of room to work with when blinded. Fortunately, mtt is correlated with top pT so we can just measure the correction in the 2D space while also fitting for QCD and all of the other systematics in the ttbar measurement region and signal region!

Bonus: Analysis details on decisions

The decision of the correction for the ttbar top pT spectrum was pretty simple. We just took the functional form (for POWHEG+Pythia8) farther down and rewrote it as e0.0615 - β0.0005*pT) where α and β are nominally 1 (so just the regular correction on that page). Then each α and β are individually varied to 0.5 and 1.5 to be our uncertainty templates for the vertical interpolation. These are what are assigned to Tpt-alpha and Tpt-beta. For example, if the post-fit value of Tpt-alpha was 1 and Tpt-beta was -1, the final effective form of our Tpt reweighting function would be e(1.50.0615 - 0.50.0005*pT).

Exercise (20 min)

Add the Top pT uncertainties to the appropriate processes and see the changes in combine.

The uncertainties are already included in the section on "SYSTEMATICS". However, they have not been added to the individual processes. To start this exercise, add the Tpt-alpha and Tpt-beta uncertainties to the appropriate processes. Which processes should these uncertainties be added to? Then add in the the uncertainties to the appropriate processes and rerun the 2DAlphabet. Compare the combine cards using diff to see the changes before and after adding in the top pT uncertainty.

Do this exercise for input_dataBsUnblind16.json and then after looking at the solution, apply to the other config files.


The Top pT uncertainties should be applied to the ttbar and ttbar-semilep processes. For example:

"ttbar": {
    "COLOR": 2,
    "CODE": 2

Now, keep the data card made before doing this change and then run the code to see the difference.

# From the 2DAlphabet directory, store the old card
cp bsTest/SR16/card_SR16.txt no_topUn_SR16.txt
# Then, rerun the 2DAlphabet
python configs_2Dalpha/input_dataBsUnblind16.json --tag=bsTest
# Then look at the difference
diff no_topUn_SR16.txt bsTest/SR16/card_SR16.txt

To understand more about what is happening in combine and how this shape uncertainty is applied see this DAS exercise

Now that this change has been made for one process in one configuration file, apply the same change for all ttbar and ttbar-semilep processes in all 6 configuration files.

Note that ttbar is all-inclusive for 2016 and hadronic only for 2017 and 2018 so the ttbar_semilep is included only in 2017 and 2018.

Bonus Exercise: Trigger Efficiency uncertainty

The trigger efficiency uncertainty is defined as a systematic in the configuration files. As a bonus exercise, add this shape systematic uncertainty to the processes. How do you measure Trigger efficiency? And how is this uncertainty calculated?

This exercise is a bonus and not necessary to continue on.

Key Points

  • Luminosity uncertainties affect all processes equally

  • Cross section uncertainties should not be applied to signal

  • Template morphing is used to determine shape uncertainties