This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Diving into jet substructure


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 40 min
  • What is jet substructure?

  • What does the jet substructure look like for the signal?

  • What are some commonly used jet substructure observables for t/W identification?

  • How can jet substructure help combat background and differentiate it from signal?

  • Familiarisation with common jet substructure variables.

  • Identify possible discriminating variables for b*->tW signal.


After collision, colored particles (with a lifetime longer than the hadronization time scale, i.e. not tops) form cone-like hadronic showers as they propagate away from the interaction point. In experiment, we can only see the interactions of the ‘stable’ particles (pions, kaons, etc.) with the detectors, which are on average 2/3 charged particles. The calorimeters measure the energy deposits of these partilces, but we have to decide how to combine those energy deposits to best reconstruct the final state partons. In CMS, we use the Particle Flow technique to define PF candidates which we then cluster into jets.


When analyzing hadronic final states, it is important to understand the jet collections used to cluster energy deposited by the hadronic showers of the final state quarks and gluons. The most common jet clustering algorithm, anti-kt, groups together ‘softer’ (low kT) objects onto harder (high kT) objects recursively until all objects are separated by a distance of the input R-parameter; the R-parameter of a jet defines the maximum radius that it can cluster constituents into itself. Normally, we use R=0.4 to define single-parton jets, e.g. low pT top decays into three separate (resolved) jets.


Sometimes, we want to capture the entire decay of a heavy object using a larger-R jet. The R-parameter used for these puposes depends on the mass and transverse momentum of the decaying particle, and tends to be between R=0.8-1.2. A good rule of thumb is that the opening angle of a massive particle decaying into much lighter constituents is R<2m/pT.

Question: What is are the opening angles for 200 GeV tops? What about 200 GeV Ws? What if they are at high pT ~ 1TeV?


The useful expression here is R<2m/pT. For a 200 GeV top, R<346/200 -> R<1.73. At the same transverse momentum, a W opens at R<160/200 -> R<0.8. At 1 TeV, the top decays in a cone of about R<0.35 and for the 1 TeV W it is R<0.16. As you may notice, high pT heavy (boosted) objects tend to be well encapsulated by R=0.8 jets. But, at very high pT the decaying objects are quite columnated. The choice of R-parameter for your jet collection, in a way, defines the lower bound of the pT you are sensitive to.

Jet Substructure

Jet substructure is a family of analysis techniques that studies the detailed structure within jets through the constituents of the object. When we cluster PF candidates into anti-kt jets, we can keep the information of which PF candidate is associated with which anti-kt jet. Afterwards, we can calculate substructure observables with the stored information.


Tops decay (almost always) to b+W, and since we are looking at the all-hadronic channel we are dealing with a W that decays to two quarks. Tagging an all-hadronic top is looking for a 3-pronged jet, where one of those prongs has the decay products of a b-hadron, and typically also requiring the presence of a b-hadron decay and a jet mass close to the 173 GeV of the top quark. W bosons are tagged as two pronged jets in a mass window around 80 GeV.

Question: What jet substructure observables do you think could be used to identify our signal?


Since we are looking for both a W and a top, we should consider the jet mass. Since our jets will have prong-ed structure, we should consider the N-subjetiness ratios τ32 and τ21. In addition, we can use the impact parameter information (through the form of CSV).

Another way to utilize the constituent information of jets is through the use of Machine Learning models. Below are brief descriptions of some taggers developed within CMS:


Use the time before the lunch break to look into the signal sample provided. One quick way to check out its contents is to open the file in interactive root (turning on bash mode with -b helps open the application faster)

root -b /eos/home-l/lcorcodi/Storage/rootfiles/BprimeLH1200_bstar16.root

When loaded from start-up, the file is assigned the ‘_file0’ variable; dig into the information available and see what is available for you to use. Try using the plotting script provided to see some distributions:

cd ~/CMSVDAS2020/CMSSW_11_0_1/src/
cd timber-env
source timber-env/bin/activate
cd ../TIMBER
cd ../BstarToTW_CMSDAS2020
python exercises/ -y 16

The very last line calls on the plotting script, and it is using some root files we have already made for y’all. If you would like to change the selections and make the plots, make the appropriate chages to the script and run it with an additional ‘–select’ flag.

Try adding your plots to the B2G-Long-Exercise website through the _extras/ file.

Key Points

  • Jet substructure are analysis techniques for measuring a jet observable through its constituent information.

  • N-subjetiness is how ‘N-pronged’ a jet looks, more specifically for N subjets it is the sum of pt-weighted constuent-subjet spatial moments.

  • Traditional top-tagging typically uses τ32 and jet mass, whereas for W-tagging it’s τ21 and the jet mass.